How to set a Pre-Filter / Master-Filter

Follow the steps below to learn how to set a pre-filter/master-filter

1. To Begin, select Projects icon on the top left.

2. Select the green icon on the right side of your project.

3. Within the project select the workspace area on the left side.

4. Either create a new workspace or select an existing one.

5. Click create group.

6. When you have named your group select create group.

7. Click add content and choose the dataset you wish to apply the filter on.

8. Now open the dropdown option for 'Data Filters'.

9. Click 'Add Filter'.

10. Select the column you want to apply the filter on.

11. Select the type of filter you want to apply.

12. If you have a validation list applied to this column you will be able to choose from a drop down list, if you do not you will need to manually type in the value you want the filter to be applied on.

13. When you're finished clock 'Add Dataset'.

14. When you're finished select 'Save & Preview Workspace'.

15. Now you can view the dataset with the master filter applied.