How to select your data source

Read our step-by-step guide below to learn how to select a data source.

How to choose a Dataset structure

1. Start by creating a dataset, choose "Datasets' on the left of your screen.

2. Click "Create New Dataset".

3. Enter the name of your Dataset you are creating.

4. Click "Continue to Avatar".

5. Choose an Avatar from the library below or click the blue button to upload an image from your files.

6. Once you've chosen an Avatar, click "Continue to Source".

7. Your first option is CVS. CVS files can include data separated by commas.

8. Your second option is XLS which you'd choose for an Excel upload.

9. Thirdly, you can choose a TXT file which is any data stored on a text file.

10. Alternatively you can use our Table Builder and start from scratch.