Read our step-by-step guide below to learn how to create a validation list.
1. Click "Datasets" on the left of your screen.
2. Click "Validation Lists".
3. Click "Create New List".
4. From here you can begin configuring your validation list. Start by entering a name for your list.
5. Then click "Continue to Options".
6. Choose which list type you require.
7. Click "Add List Item".
8. You can now begin creating your list. Start by entering the value for the list.
9. You can choose a colour to distinguish your selection (this is optional).
10. Click "Save List Item" when you're happy.
11. To add another item to the list, click "Add List Item", you can continue to do this for all of your items for the list.
12. Repeat step 8,9 and 10.
13. You are able to add as many items as you like. Just repeat the process.
14. Once you're happy with all of your items, click "Continue to Access".
15. From here you can choose what users/teams have access to the list.
16. Once you have chosen who's able to access the list, click "Save & Finish" and your list is ready!